Computer Imaging enables you to view the results, before a procedure is performed. A wonderful first step, if you’re considering plastic surgery.
One of the newest tools at New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery is refined computer software used to simulate surgery’s effects. While the our surgeon may know what he can accomplish through the plastic surgery procedure, the picture in your mind may be somewhat different. Using a digital camera, our surgeon will take your picture, then transfer it into the computer. With the software and a high-resolution monitor, he will alter your image on the screen to give you a reasonably good prediction of the surgery’s results.
As one of the newest techniques in the plastic surgery field, computer imaging allows the patient to visualize the possibilities that cosmetic surgery can offer. The patient’s image is captured electronically and manipulated on a computer screen, helping the physician and the patient determine an appropriate goal for the surgical procedure. Computer imaging has assisted patients and doctors alike on making the right decision about plastic surgery to gain the most favorable results.
Today, most progressive surgeons offer computer imaging at their practice during their consultation period. This provides the potential patient an estimate of their post-operative appearance. Computer imaging and some „before and after” photographs of previous patients allow the patient to see how much change the surgeon have done for their patients in the past. This serves as another tool for the patient to evaluate the credibility and skill of the surgeon.
Plastic surgery computer imaging is proven to be an excellent tool to guide discussions with a surgeon and to help one decide whether to proceed with cosmetic surgery
Whatever the case, computer imaging has allowed many people to affordably get a visual idea of what they might look like if they proceed with their desired plastic surgery procedure. With this, comes a stronger sense and security in your decision-making process.
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